
"Healthy intestine, happy my life" - A public lecture of intestinal health.Release date: 2020-11-11


Hangzhou AGS MedTechCo.,Ltd. performed a public lecture of intestinal health named "HealthyIntestine, Happy My Life" at Zhu Jiajiao community. The purpose of thisevent is, let the residents learn the relevant knowledge of the intestinalhealth to enhance their physical status. 30 residents of Zhu Jiajiao communityparticipated in this event.

The event was hostedby Mr. Li Qiguang as a key health lecturer of Hangzhou AGS MedTech Co.,Ltd. Mr.Li explained the intestinal structures and functions, showed the differentstool-shapes and odours caused by various intestinal diseases and the relevantprevention, and recommended the residents to keep a balanced diet, eat morefruits&vegetables, ingest more liquids, do more exercises and preventovereating in the daily life. Let the seniors know the digestive tract includingthe process of food-to-stool, and the importance of proper diet to ourintestinal health. The residents answered Li's questions actively in theinteractive segment.

The communitydirector - Mr. He Jianliang represented the residents to thank Mr. Li and AGSMedTech for this great event, and the residents liked the lecture very much andwill to learn more further relevant knowledge in future.

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