
Hangzhou City Mayor Liu Xin and other Leaders visit AGS MedTech for research and guidanceRelease date: 2020-11-06

On the November 4th morning, Hangzhou City Mayor LiuXin, District Secretary Zhang Zhenfeng, District Mayor Chen Rugen, and otherLeaders visited AGS Medtech for Research & Guidance. AGS general managerZhang Cheng greeted and accompanied with them

Mayor Liu and other leaders mainly visited the AGS productshowroom. General Manager Mr. Zhang introduced the clinical application andtechnical advantages of the company’s main products such as hemoclipERCP products to Mayor Liu. Mr.Zhang also introduced theprogress of the company’s IPO and construction of the new factory.

General Manager Mr. Zhang introduced the current Marketingsituation of AGS in the endoscopy area both at home & overseas to Mayor Liuand Secretary Zhang. And also introduced the company’s future developmentstrategy in detail, especially that the company will use the capital market tomake the company’s main business stronger and more professional.

Finally, Mayor Liu listenedto the entrepreneurial experience of the enterprise, discussed the innovativeideas of product research and development together, and provided guidance forthe future product development direction of the enterprise.

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